At Tempest Marine Services we offer a full range of services.

Bottom jobs with several options of anti-fouling paints

Pressure washing, prop and running gear service

Fiberglass repair/fabrication and major structural repairs

Custom paint jobs to compound and wax

Generator installs

LED light installs

Engine re powers and much more...
We welcome insurance claims and will work with your adjuster directly to assure proper coverage. We work on sailboats, sport fish, cruisers, trollers, down to the smaller center consoles. We can handle just about any kind of boat/yacht repair so let us know what you need, we're here to help.


Here are some before and after shots of common problems that NEED to be addressed but are often overlooked by owners. Dont fall victim to poorly installed pumps or battery chargers. These could fail at any time and cost you more than just money.



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